Wednesday, 17 May 2017

4 Tips to Practice Safe Sex and Eliminate the Risk of STDs

According to a report by UNAIDS, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS, Saudi Arabia has been a “low-HIV prevalence” country, with only 1.5 newly detected cases per 10,000 being reported for 2013 among Saudi nationals and 1.2 for every 10,000 non-Saudis. A key reason for these low numbers, however, was the fact that social stigma has been preventing people from reporting HIV infections. However, the situation has now changed with the introduction of pre-marital HIV testing, although the real numbers might still not be known.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there has been a dramatic rise in sexually transmitted diseases in the last 4-5 years, worldwide. Some key reasons behind this increase can be lack of sex education, ignorance, impaired judgement due to alcohol/drug abuse, lack of knowledge about condoms and other types of safe sex practices.

The only way to remain protected against HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases is to always practice safe sex.

4 Effective Tips for Safe Sex

  1. Use a Condom
Apart from the fact that they are one of the most reliable ways to curb pregnancy, condoms also prevent the transmission of STDs, such as HIV/AIDS, genital herpes, syphilis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc. Fortunately, with so much innovation taking place, you can buy different types of condoms and add spice to your sexual encounters. For instance, Durex Sensation is a product designed specifically to heighten pleasure through intense stimulation.

  1. Avoid Having Sex when Drunk
According to the World Health Organization, alcohol is a major reason why so many STD cases are reported across the world. Alcohol impairs judgment and makes you indulge in high-risk sexual activities that majorly increase the risk of contracting STDs by nearly 37%!

  1. Choose a Responsible Partner
Try choosing a partner who encourages you to practice safe sex. This would instill confidence in both of you, thereby reducing the chances of any infections or diseases.

  1. Keep Reminding Yourself about the Importance of Safe Sex
We understand that sometimes sex can be spontaneous, or in the heat of the moment. But always remind yourself about the repercussions of indulging in unsafe sex. This way, both you and your partner can have a memorable experience without any hassles or tensions.

Sex is enjoyable, and a perfect method to eliminate stress, anxiety and insomnia. But if you follow the tips provided here, you can continue making it an enjoyable experience. 

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